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Privacy Policy

At CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team (, we respect the privacy of our customers and all  visitors to our system.
CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team is committed to ensuring the security of  personal data and providing full disclosure with regard to information gathering and dissemination practices  related to the CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team system. This Privacy Statement explains how personal  information about users of the system is collected, used, shared and safeguarded. 

CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team has established this Privacy Policy to protect and manage our  customers' personal information.
CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team may revise the Privacy Policy at any  time by updating this posting. You should visit this page periodically to review this Privacy Policy. 

• 1. INFORMATION AUTOMATICALLY LOGGED AND ACCOUNTABILITY CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team may collect, at the time of your registration and your sign-on  to its system, certain "personal information" (information that personally identifies you) such as, but  not limited to, your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, and information about  your computer hardware and software (e.g. IP address, operating system, browser type, domain name,  URL, access times, and referring system addresses). 

Covercincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team has implemented this Privacy Policy to protect personal  information received from its customers, and to respond to any inquiries and complaints as required  by law. The Privacy Policy also provides that CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will use  appropriate contractual means to establish a comparable level of protection for personal information,  which is sent for processing by third parties on USA Benefits Group's behalf. 

• 2. IDENTIFIED PURPOSES CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team collects and uses personal information for the following Identified Purposes:

o (a) to understand customer needs regarding CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team's services;
o (b) to develop and provide products and services for USA Benefits Group A-Teams's customers;
o (c) to communicate with customers, and to inform customers of upgrades, products and services available  from USA Benefits Group A-Team and its affiliates; 
o (d) to allow customers to access limited-entry areas of USA Benefits Group A-Team site;
o (e) to personalize some of USA Benefits Group A-Team 's services and products for you;
o (f) to bill accounts and maintain payment records; 
o (g) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request;
o (h) to respond to a legitimate claim that you are violating the rights of any third party;
o (i) to protect the services, products or rights of CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team; and
o (j) to identify and resolve technical problems concerning CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team's  products and services. CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team also uses personal information in aggregate form for business  analysis, operational, marketing and other promotional purposes. If we hire other companies to provide  products or services on our behalf, we will only provide those companies the personal information they need  for the Identified Purposes. 


Registration, for CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team products and services, by a customer, will constitute the customer's consent for USA Benefits Group to collect, use and disclose personal  information under this Privacy Policy. ConverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will normally seek a  customer's consent for any new uses and disclosures of the customer's personal information, either at  the same time it collects the personal information or after it has been collected but before it is used or  disclosed for a new purpose. In certain circumstances however, CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A Team will not be required to inform and obtain the consent of the customer, such as for the  investigation of a breach of an agreement, contravention of laws, an emergency where the life, health  or security of an individual is threatened, or the collection of a debt. 

A customer may withdraw such consent for collection, use and disclosure at any time, on prior written  notice, provided that USA Benefits Group may on such withdrawal suspend or terminate its products  and services. 


CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team limits its collection of personal information to only that  information which is necessary for the Identified Purposes. CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team may use cookies to tailor the content of the system to your  interests and, if you so choose, to save your personal information so that CoverCincy | USA Benefits  Group A-Team may automate your next visit. In addition CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team may  use cookies to track CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team sales made to customers referred by  members of our Marketing Partner Program websites. If you choose to not have your browser accept  cookies from the CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team system, you may not be able to view all the  text on the screens, or to experience a personalized visit, or to subscribe to certain service and product  offerings on the CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team site. 

• 5. DISCLOSURE, PROCESSING AND RETENTION USA Benefits Group does not sell, rent or disclose your personal information to anyone else except,  when the Identified Purposes require CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team to disclose the  personal information to: 

o (a) an agent of the customer; o (b) agents of CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team acting on its behalf for the Identified Purposes; o (c) a public authority, to avoid or minimize danger to life or property; and o (d) a third party to whom disclosure is required by any law, regulation, legal process or government request. Your information may be stored and processed in the United States, or in any other country in which  CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team or its affiliates, subsidiaries or agents maintain facilities. By using  this system, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country. CoverCincy | USA Benefits  Group A-Team abides by the "safe harbor" framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce  regarding the collection, use, and retention of data from the European Union. After your account becomes inactive, CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-team will keep your personal  information only for those purposes that are established by law, and for archival record purposes. 


CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will use reasonable efforts to keep our customer's personal  information accurate for the Identified Purposes, and for minimizing the possibility of making  inappropriate customer decisions based on such information. Customers are responsible for  informing CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team about changes to their personal information. CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will update personal information when necessary to keep it  accurate or CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will provide customers the facility to make such  updates. 


USA Benefits Group has instituted security measures to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of  information under our control. Any information you provide to CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A Team in registration forms and other such interfaces is transmitted via a secure ("SSL") network  connection and stored in a secure database. Please assist us in our security efforts by selecting  passwords that cannot be easily guessed, reproduced or accessed by unauthorized persons.


 This Privacy Policy, and all updates to the Privacy Policy made from time to time, are published and  made available to CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team's customers on its system. It is the  customer's obligation to periodically check the USA Benefits Group system for Privacy Policy updates.


 CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will afford you a reasonable opportunity to review the  personal information in your file, in understandable format, either by direct access or upon request to  support made by you after providing sufficient identification. Support may be contacted at If CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team is not able to provide access to some aspect of a  customer's personal information, it will provide reasons for denying access such as; that by doing so  would likely reveal personal information about a third party, or that it is confidential commercial  information or attorney-client privileged communications, or that the information relates to a breach of  an agreement or a contravention of law, or that its disclosure could reasonably be expected to  threaten the life or security of another individual. Customers have the right to request that inaccurate or incomplete information be amended as  appropriate, and CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will promptly correct such personal  information or provide the means for you to do so directly. 


CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team does not currently share, sell, trade, lend or otherwise  disclose personal information to unaffiliated third parties without consent. 


 This CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team system contains links to external sites that may be of  interest to our customers and partners and external sites may contain links to the CoverCincy | USA  Benefits Group A-Team site. CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team is not responsible for the  content or privacy practices of these sites. 


 If at any time, you decide that you do not wish to receive information from CoverCincy | USA Benefits  Group A-Team or its Partners, please send us an e-mail to that effect at: Please include your name and e-mail address in all correspondence. 


 CoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team wants to ensure that its Privacy Policy meets its customers'  needs. If you feel that the Privacy Policy needs improvement, or believe that CoverCincy | USA Benefits  Group A-Team is not following its Privacy Policy, please contact support at  benefits@usabgateam.comCoverCincy | USA Benefits Group A-Team will investigate your suggestions and complaints concerning  the USA Benefits Group Privacy Policy. If a complaint is found to be justified, CoverCincy | USA  Benefits Group A-Team will take appropriate measures to resolve the complaint including, if  necessary, amending its policies and procedures. Each customer will be informed of the outcome of  the investigation regarding the customer's complaint.

"No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties."